Thank you for visiting and shopping at Beads to Love.
We are proud to offer international worldwide shipping.
Where do you ship from?
Currently, we have warehouses located in the USA and in China. In order to lower the logistic cost and provide you with the best possible prices, we store and ship over 90% of our inventory from China.
How much is it?
Orders over $45: Free Worldwide
Orders under $45:
Customer location | Shipping cost |
USA, Canada, Mexico | $4.75 |
All other countries | $6.75 |
How long does it take?
Once we receive your order we will usually process and ship it in 24-48 hours. In high sales season, this may increase up to 7 days.
Shipped from China
Customer location | Estimated delivery time* |
United States, Canada, Europe | 10-20 Business days |
Australia, New Zealand | 10-30 Business days |
Mexico, Central America, South America, Africa | 15-30 Business days |
Shipped from US
Customer location | Estimated delivery time* |
United States, Canada | 2-5 Business days |
Europe | 10-20 Business days |
Australia, New Zealand | 10-30 Business days |
Mexico, Central America, South America, Africa | 15-30 Business days |
Tracking information
Once we ship your item we will email you the tracking number. If you don't receive your tracking information within 5 days please contact us.
After you received your tracking number you can visit our website to track your package.
If your order contains multiple products, items may arrive in different packages and at different times as it can be shipped from different warehouses or designers.